2023 Career Fair

Andaz West Hollywood Hotel – 8401 Sunset Blvd, West Hollywood, CA
Thursday January 20, 2020 | 6-9 PM
6-7 PM: Social & Network with Potential Employers – Hors d’oeuvres – Bar
7-7:40 PM: Panel Presentation: (Career Paths, Financial Wellness, & More)
7:40-9PM: Network with Potential Employers – Hors d’oeuvres – Bar
For Pediatric Residents/Fellowship Trainees/Pediatricians
If you are finishing your pediatric residency soon, looking for potential employers, or want to have a fantastic time while learning about your options…
Pediatricians and Residents from all pediatric residency programs in Chapter 2 are encouraged to attend. Sponsored by Abbott Nutrition.
For Employers
If you’re in need of a new pediatrician, looking for full-time/part-time/locum tenens, or want to meet the graduating class from seven pediatric programs…
Employer Exhibit Table is $350 for this event. To reserve please RSVP and CLICK HERE for online payment.