Contact Us
If you are interested in collaborating on a community event, or are a physician who would like to receive the Safe Teen Driving Toolkit, please contact the Project Coordinator, Sharis Shahnazarian, MPH at (323) 361-5754 or sshahnazarian@chla.usc.edu
Safe Teen Driving Toolkit
The Safe Teen Driving Toolkit is designed to give pediatricians resources and materials to be able to talk, and give to teen patients and their parents/caregivers.
Interested pediatricians will be mailed a hard copy of the toolkit which includes:
 About Us

The American Academy of Pediatrics and The Allstate Foundation joined forces in 2013 to reduce teen driving deaths. Thanks to your support The Allstate Foundation has awarded the American Academy of Pediatrics California, Chapter 2 the resources to leverage the relationships pediatricians have with, and the access they have to youth throughout the 7-county area (and their parents and caregivers)-as well as our many collaborative partners. Our pediatric physician champions will provide education, resources, tools and advocacy that address the disconcerting issue of risky teen driver and passenger behaviors at both the individual and the population level.

Our Partners
Impact Teen Drivers Conor Lynch Foundation LA County Public Health-Injury and Violence Prevention Program