Suicide Prevention
National data indicates a worsening trend in suicidality and mental health, making suicide a leading cause of death among young people. To address this, AAP has partnered with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) to establish a community of AAP and AFSP Suicide Prevention Ambassadors that will be trained in community partnership strategies described in the Blueprint for Youth Suicide Prevention.
As a part of this initiative, the chapter has nominated Dr. Lingie Chiu, MD, as our chapter’s suicide prevention ambassador.
Suicide Prevention Program Flier
For those looking for help with mental health resources, please see the materials below.
- AAP Suicide Prevention Campaign Toolkit: This toolkit from AAP provides videos, infographics, and posters to address youth suicide prevention strategies in clinical and community settings.
- AAP Suicide Prevention Campaign Toolkit: This toolkit from AAP provides videos, infographics, and posters to address youth suicide prevention strategies in clinical and community settings.
- Youth Suicide Prevention: Strategies For Clinical Settings: This two-page resource provides a brief overview of strategies to address youth suicide prevention in clinical settings. It was created by the American Academy of Pediatrics and American Foundation for Suicide Prevention as part of the Blueprint for Youth Suicide Prevention. youn